personality test

Sales Profile-R

.: Detecting sales potential

New! The Sales Profile-R assesses one's commercial potential, by revealing an individual's scores on the abilities and motivations in the field of sales. The test also helps to illustrate a candidate's sales specialization by highlighting their particular strengths. This psychometric test is used for recruitment as well as for training, internal career development, and sales force auditing.

This revised version of the Sales Profile includes a new group called "Negotiation Skills", as well as questions that are closer to "real life" sales scenarios.


Central Test - The art of assessment

Sales Profile

Key features

Sales potential score (on a scale from 0 to 100)
Social desirability indicator (inclination to present oneself favorably).
Matches the candidate's profile with 11 sales functions.
Available in English and French.

Target groups

All sales related positions





Optimising the selection of sales representatives, establishing sales force audits, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of candidates applying for sales positions or employees already working in the sales field.
With the Sales Potential Indicator, you can immediately see whether your candidate/employee is ideal for a sales position.

The advantages of the Sales Profile-R in comparison to the previous version:

  • Questions are closer to"real life" sales scenarios.
  • Scenarios are more subtle as they have been developed with the input of sales directors.
  • Measurement of the group "Negotiation Skills".
  • Integration of the dimension "Approaching Clients" in the group "Client Acquisition Skills".
  • Revision of the matching of profiles with sales functions.
  • Better assessment of social desirability.
  • Stronger discriminatory power allowing to better distinguish people with sales potential from people with little sales potential.


83 contextual questions.
20 to 25 minutes


  • User's guide including the psychometric test properties.


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