Free depression test
Free Depression Test: Real Depression Test. Free test. Do you have Depression ?

Results of the Depression Test:

Mild Depression: You have mild depressive symptoms

Your score of depression:  5 / 39 points

More your score is high, more the depression is serious and deep. On the other hand, more the total is low, more you you feel good about yourself.

Interpretation of your Results:

You have mild mood disturbance. You can follow some tips to feel better in your sneakers. Self-confidence is important. To improve your relationships with others or feel good in the head, it´s essential to learn about you better. If you experience symptoms of fatigue, gloominess, or if you have a loss of meaning, it´s necessary to act by consulting your doctor. Some symptoms of depression can be related to other diagnoses.

If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.

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