Psychological stress test
Free Stress Test: Assess your stress level for FREE. Psychological Stress Test

Results of the psychological stress test:

Your level of psychological stress is very low or absent. Congratulations!

Your score of stress: 0 / 72 points

More your score is high, more the psychological stress is serious and deep. On the other hand, more the total is low, more you feel good about yourself.

Interpretation of your Results:

You don´t feel any stress. You are rather very serene and you don´t feel the symptoms related to stress that they are physical, emotional, intellectual or behavioural. You control quite well your work environment, and you´re far away from Burnout. You can maintain cordial relationships without excess with the people you meet professionally. You think you can control your workload and easily deal with problems when they arise. Take advantage of this lack of stress to be attentive to others and share your solutions with them.

If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.

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