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Free Stress Test: Do you know to cope with stress? Take the Stress Test FREE

Free Stress Test: 18 questions
Stress Quiz: Do you Know to Cope with Stress?

Welcome to the free stress test. This self-test identify the causes of your stress. Thus, it's easier to deal with stress. Do you know to cope with stress? Take the Stress and Coping Self-Test to help you become aware of how you are currently coping with stress in your life. Stress quiz by Mental Health America.

Discover your ability to cope with stress. A stress test developed by psychologists, for an assessment of your stress (see an example of results)

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Questionnaire: Do you know to cope with stress?

Choose the option that best fits how you feel and how things have been going with you during the past month. There is no right or wrong answer.

Question 1 / 18: Stress test

How have you been feeling in general?

In an excellent frame of mind
In a very good mood
In a good mood mostly
My mood has been up and down
In a poor frame of mind mostly
In a very poor frame of mind

Question 2 / 18: Stress test

Have you been bothered by nervousness?

Not at all
A little
Some – enough to bother me
Yes – quite a bit
Yes – very much so
Extremely so – to the point where I could not work or take care of things

Question 3 / 18: Stress test

Have you been in firm control of your behavior, thoughts, emotions, and feelings?

Yes, definitely so
Yes, for the most part
Generally so
Not too well
No, and I am somewhat troubled by that
No, and I am very troubled by that

Question 4 / 18: Stress test

Have you been feeling so sad, discouraged, or hopeless, or had so many problems that you wondered if anything was worthwhile?

Not at all
A little
Some – enough to bother me
Yes – quite a bit
Yes – very much so
Extremely so – to the point that I have just about given up

Question 5 / 18: Stress test

Have you been feeling that you were under any strain, stress, or pressure?

Not at all
A little
About the same amount as usual
Yes – more than usual
Yes – quite a bit of pressure
Yes – almost more than I could bear

Question 6 / 18: Stress test

How happy or satisfied have you been with your personal life?

Extremely happy
Very happy
Fairly happy
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

Question 7 / 18: Stress test

Have you had any reason to wonder if you were losing your mind or memory, or losing control over the way you act, talk, think, or feel?

Not at all
Only a little
Some – but not enough to be concerned
Some, and I have been a little concerned
Some, and I am quite concerned
Yes, a lot, and I am very concerned

Question 8 / 18: Stress test

Have you been anxious, worried, or upset?

Not at all
A little
Some – enough to bother me
Yes – quite a bit
Yes – very much so
Yes – extremely so, to the point of being sick or almost sick

Question 9 / 18: Stress test

How often have you awakened refreshed and rested?

Every day
Almost everyday
Fairly often
Less than half the time
None of the time

Question 10 / 18: Stress test

Have you been bothered by an illness, bodily disorder, pain, or fear about your health?

Not at all
A little
Some of the time
Yes – a good bit of the time
Yes – most of the time
Yes – all of the time

Question 11 / 18: Stress test

Has your daily life been full of things that were interesting to you?

Yes – all of the time
Yes – most of the time
Yes – a good bit of the time
Some of the time
A little
Not at all

Question 12 / 18: Stress test

Have you been feeling down-hearted and blue?

Not at all
A little
Some of the time
Yes – a good bit of the time
Yes – most of the time
Yes – all of the time

Question 13 / 18: Stress test

Have you been feeling emotionally stable and sure of yourself?

Yes – all of the time
Yes – most of the time
Yes – a good bit of the time
Some of the time
A little
Not at all

Question 14 / 18: Stress test

Have you been feeling tired, worn out, used-up, or exhausted?

Not at all
A little
Some of the time
Yes – a good bit of the time
Yes – most of the time
Yes – all of the time

Question 15 / 18: Stress test

Check the number on the scale (from 0-10) that seems closest to how you have generally been feeling during the past month.

How concerned or worried have you been about your health?

Very concerned

Question 16 / 18: Stress test

How relaxed or tense have you been?

Very tense

Question 17 / 18: Stress test

How much energy, pep, or vitality have you had?

No energy at all, listless

Question 18 / 18: Stress test

How depressed or cheerful have you been?

Very depressed

Source: Stress questionnaire for free. National Center for Health Statistics. NHANES Study. Coping with stress. Stress self-test. Mental Health America. Harvard Medical Center.