List of the most famous stress tests, and psychometric tests used in psychology and human resources for the assessment of stress, anxiety. Complete list of « stress tests » and « anxiety tests » available in USA.
Stress tests are devised by psychologists to provide a reliable information about stress and personality. The accuracy and reliability of the stress test depend upon a number of factors, firstly and most importantly is how truthfully you answer the questions. Our stress tests are extremely accurate, over 87% !!
The list of the main stress tests for assessment available in the USA
The Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale - Stress Test (Thomas H. Holmes, Richard H. Rahe)
Description: The Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale is a well-known tool for measuring the amount of stress you’ve experienced within the past year. Taking the test can help you see clearly if you’re at risk of illness due to stress.
Author: Dr Thomas Holring and Richard Rahe.
Scoring: They surveyed more than 5,000 medical patients and asked them to say whether they had experience any of a series of 43 life events in the previous two years. Each event, called a Life Change Unit (LCU), had a different "weight" for stress. The more events the patient added up, the higher the score. The higher the score, and the larger the weight of each event, the more likely the patient was to become ill.
Questionnaire: 1- Death of spouse (+ 100 score for life change)
2- Divorce (+ 73 score de changement de vie)
3- Marital separation (+ 65 score for life change)
4- Jail term (+ 63 score for life change)
... 42- Christmas (+ 12 score for life change)
Test yourself now: Stress Test by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe
DASS-21 Test - The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale
Description: The DASS 21 is a 21 item self report questionnaire designed to measure the severity of a range of symptoms common to both Depression and Anxiety.
Author: Depression Anxiety Stress (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995)
Indication: Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Scoring: The scale to which each item belongs is indicated by the letters D (Depression), A (Anxiety) and S(Stress). For each scale (D, A & S) sum the scores for identified items. Because the DASS 21 is a short form version of the DASS (the Long Form has 42 items), the final score of each item groups(Depression, Anxiety and Stress) needs to be multiplied by two (x2).
Purpose: The essential function of the DASS is to assess the severity of the core symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress. In completing the DASS, the individual is required to indicate the presence of a symptom over the previous week. Each item is scored from 0(did not apply to me at all over the last week) to 3 (applied to me very much or most of the time over the past week).
Questionnaire: Here is an example of question:
I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things:
a- 0 Did not apply to me at all - NEVER
b- + 1 Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time - SOMETIMES
c- + 2 Applied to me to a considerable degree, or a good part of time - OFTEN
d- + 3 Applied to me very much, or most of the time - ALMOST ALWAYS
Test yourself now: DASS-21 Test for Free (online result) Stress Test - PSS Perceived Stress Scale by Cohen
Introduction: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a self-reported instrument with 10 items, which is widely used psychological instrument for measuring the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful. This data set includes PSS score.
Author: Sheldon Cohen & Williamson, G. (1988).
Purpose: Stress, Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Description: The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful. Items were designed to tap how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded respondents find their lives.
Scoring: Each item is rated on a 5-point scale ranging from never (0) to almost always (4).Positively worded items are reverse scored, and the ratings are summed, with higher scores indicating more perceived stress.
Questionnaire: The questions ask about your feelings and thoughts during the past month. The best approach is to answer fairly quickly.
In the past month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?
a- Never (+0 stress)
b- Almost never (+1 stress)
c- Sometimes (+2 stress)
d- Fairly often (+3 stress)
e- Very often (+4 stress)
Test yourself now: Perceived Stress Test for Free (online result) BMS-10 Test - Burnout Test Maslach-Pines Burnout Measure Short Version
Description: The Burnout Measure (BM) is a widely used self-report measure of burnout. It includes 21 items, evaluated on 7-point frequency scales, assessing the level of an individual physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. The shorter, 10-item version of the BM (BMS) was developed in response to researchers and practitioners; need for an easy-to-use instrument requiring less questionnaire space and less time for administration and scoring.
Author: Maslach, Christina; Jackson, Susan E.; Leiter, P. Michael; Schaufeli, Wilmar B., 1996. Maslach-Pines Burnout Measure Short Version BMS10
Purpose: Stress, Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Questionnaire: Here is an example of question:
I'm feeling constantly exhausted, tired or fatigued:
a- Never (+ 1 burnout)
b- Almost never (+ 2 burnout)
c- Rarely (+ 3 burnout)
d- Some of the time (+ 4 burnout)
e- Often (+ 5 burnout)
f- Very often (+ 6 burnout)
g- Everyday (+ 7 burnout)
Scoring: The BMS-10 (
Burn-out Measure Short version). Data from 2 national samples (Israeli Jewish and Arab) and 3 occupational samples attest to the validity and reliability of the BMS. Its ease of use and high face validity make the BMS attractive for researchers and practitioners interested in stress management.
Test yourself now: BMS-10 Test for Free - Maslach Test for FreeMaslach Test - Burnout Test - Maslach Burnout Invenvory (MBI)
Description: A scale designed to assess various aspects of the burnout syndrome was administered to a wide range of human services professionals. Three subscales emerged from the data analysis: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Various psychometric analyses showed that the scale has both high reliability and validity as a measure of burnout.
Author: Burnout Inventory Test by Maslach and Jackson. Maslach Burnout Inventory, Maslach C, Jackson SE, Palo Alto, California: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1996.
Purpose: Stress, Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Questionnaire: The questionnaire is a 22-item survey which uses a 7-point scale for responses. An answer can range from “Never” to Every day.”
Here is an example of question:
I feel emotionally drained from my work:
a- Never (+ 0 burnout)
b- A few times a year or less (+ 1 burnout)
c- Once a month or less (+ 2 burnout)
d- A few times a month (+ 3 burnout)
e- Once a week (+ 4 burnout)
f- A few times week (+ 5 burnout)
g- Every day (+ 6 burnout)
Scoring: The Malach Burnout Inventory looks at the processes of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and the level of reduced personal accomplishment.
Test yourself now: MBI Test for Free - Burnout Maslach Test
CBI Test - Burnout Test - Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI)
Description: The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) is a public domain questionnaire measuring the degree of physical and psychological fatigue experienced in three sub-dimensions of burnout: personal, work-related, and client-related burnout.
Author: CBI Questionnaire - Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. Developed in Danemark in 2005 by Kristensen.
Purpose: Stress, Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Questionnaire: It's a new tool for the measurement of burnout. The CBI consists of three scales measuring personal burnout, work-related burnout, and client-related burnout, for use in different domains
Here is an example of question:
I am happy:
a- Never
b- Rarely
c- Sometimes
d- Often
e- Very often
Scoring: The CBI is a screening measure that asked employees about their level of burnout with respect to three categories: Personal Burnout, Work Burnout, and Client/Customer Burnout. All three scales were found to have very high internal reliability, and non-response rates were small. The scales differentiated well between occupational groups in the human service sector, and the expected pattern with regard to correlations with other measures of fatigue and psychological well-being was found.
Test yourself now: CBI Test for Free- Stress Test at Work GAD-7 Test - Anxiety Test. Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale
Description: The
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item (GAD-7) is a self-administered patient questionnaire used as a screening tool and severity measure for generalized anxiety disorder.
Author: Test Gad-7. Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, Lowe B: A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7, Archives of Internal Medicine, 2006 May 22;166(10):1092-7.
Purpose: Psychology, Assessment, Coaching, Career, Psychometrics.
Questionnaire: The GAD-7 contains seven items used to measure the severity of symptoms using reported response categories of “not at all,” “several days,” “more than half the days,” and “nearly every day.”
Here is an example of question:
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? : Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
a- Not at all sure (+ 0 anxiey)
b- Several days (+ 1 anxiey)
c- Over half the days (+ 2 anxiey)
d- Nearly every day (+ 3 anxiey)
Scoring: Assessment of the disorder is indicated by the sum of the scores from all seven items, with a total score ranging from 0 to 21. The first two questions of the GAD-7 can also be used separately to screen for anxiety disorder, a method known as the GAD-2, using the same four response categories utilized by the GAD-7.
Test yourself now: Gad-7 Test for Free (online result) How can we measure stress?
Psychological Questionnaires: Psychologists developed questionnaires that cover a wide range of psychological symptoms that can be induced by exposure to chronic stress. There are a wide variety of questionnaires that have been developed to assess the psychological factors that are associated with stress in humans. The and present a large database containing the majority of stress questionnaires available in the scientific literature.
Test yourself now: Stress tests for Free and
Anxiety testingPhysiological Measures of StressThe interpretation of a situation as being stressful leads to the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and to the ultimate secretion of cortisol and catecholamines in humans. The end products of HPA activation (cortisol and catecholamines) are easily measurable in blood, urine and saliva.
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