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Your stress level is too high, you are a victim on a daily basis. That is to say that you aren´t probably able to deal with the stress effects, symptoms are visible by you and others (generalized fatigue, sleeplessness, aggressiveness, difficulties of concentration...). Your stress appears to you perhaps even inevitable, because you have to deal with a binding and difficult existence, subject to many factors of tension and pressure.
There is still time to take things in hand, to not choke: you need to make changes in your environment and learn to manage this stress level which applies to you.
For you, visit a specialist is necessary, and this, before full selflessly! If your work or personal life is not, in your eyes, the cause of your stress level, take the time to explain your situation and consider with him possible solutions to determine the causes your stress, and not only get some rest.
If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.
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