Free stress test
Free Stress Quiz:
Assess your stress index. Take the Stress Quiz FREE

Results of the Stress Quiz:

Your stress is very high. Be careful!

Your index of stress:  25 / 25 points
More your score is high, more you have a significant risk of stress-related illness.

Interpretation of your Results:

Emergency! You must stop now, rethink how you are living, change your attitudes and pay careful attention to diet, exercise and relaxation. Improve your diet. Make physical activity a daily habit, and most importantly, learn new ways to relax. Running? Knitting? Spend time with kids? Try to change your daily attitudes. This booklet can guide you towards a healthier and happier life.

If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.

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Free Stress Tests
How to Deal with Stress