Stress test
Free Stress Test: Do you know to cope with stress? Take the Stress Test FREE

Results of the free stress test:

Not coping well at all with stress. You are in the « Distress » zone

Your ability to cope with stress: 0 / 110 points (very well > 76 points)

The higher your score the better you are coping with stress in your life. If your score is low, you need to improve your ability to coping with stress.

Interpretation of your Results:

You don´t know how to deal with stress. Your score is identical to 9,6% of the population. You are in the « Distress » zone. Unrelieved stress can adversely affect your health. Whatever the cause, when the stress load becomes too great for you to cope with, your mental and physical health decline. See the suggestions for ways of improving your coping ability and keeping stress loads reasonable. And remember, « do something you enjoy every day » to cope with stress.

Here are a few tips to cope better with stress:
• Learn to say “no” if already overloaded
• Talk with others and get when needed
• Do something you enjoy every day
• Take care of yourself. Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily
• Learn to forgive and forget. Resentment hurts you the most
• Live one day at a time. Don’t worry excessively about future problems
• Be positive and optimistic in your thinking
• Do stretching exercises and practice deep breathing to relax the body.

If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.

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Free Stress Tests
How to Deal with Stress