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Your results indicate that you have a vulnerability to stress. You may be experiencing stress related symptoms and your wellbeing is potentially being negatively affected.
Your lifestyle may be extremely stressful. In order for you to effectively start managing your stress, you need to be able to understand and recognize it first. Visit our factsheets area and download our free E-Books and resources that will give you the support you need right now! Most importantly, be aware of the choices you make. Take time to listen to your body - your body will tell you what it needs; it is important you tune in and listen. If you feel stressed, tired, hungry or thirsty, do something about it.
If you want more information about your stress, you can take our free stress tests, an accurate tests developed by psychologists.
Help your friends and family to know themselves better. Share this page, they will appreciate it... and all thanks to you! 100% free tests :-)
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